Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

HYQVIA: Part 2

By Cindi Berry, RN BSN

In HYQVIA : Part 1, we learned that HYQVIA is packaged as a unit of two drugs for administration. The use of hyaluronidase prior to the administration of Immune Globulin (IG) allows for a large volume to be administered subcutaneously.

HYQVIA: Part 2 will discuss the administration steps and important aspects of HYQVIA therapy.

The administration and teaching of HYQVIA should be done by a well-trained RN. It is recommended that the treating RN has an extensive infusion background, and has been proficiently trained in IVIG and SCIG administration.

HYQVIA can be administered subcutaneously at a maximum dose as high as 60 gm. This dose can be given at a single infusion site or a double infusion site.

HYQVIA is usually ordered in a “ramp-up” phase that allows the patient to acclimate to the increased volume being infused, as well as learn the steps to proper administration. In general, HYQVIA is suggested as a ramp-up in the following manner:

For a patient who receives, or would receive, IVIG every 3 weeks, the HYQVIA ramp-up would look like:

  1. Infusion 1 (week 1): 33% of full dose
  2. Infusion 2 (week 2): 67% of full dose
  3. Infusion 3 (week 4): 100% of full dose
  4. Infusion 4 (week 7): 100% of full dose every 3 weeks

For a patient who receives, or would receive, IVIG every 4 weeks, the HYQVIA ramp-up would look like:

  1. Infusion 1 (week 1): 25% of full dose
  2. Infusion 2 (week 2): 50% of full dose
  3. Infusion 3 (week 4): 75% of full dose
  4. Infusion 4 (week 7): 100% of full dose
  5. Infusion 5 (week 11): 100% of full dose every 4 weeks

Preparing for a HYQVIA infusion involves several steps. Because some of the steps may seem overwhelming to a patient, proper teaching and return demonstration are crucial for a patient to be independent and successful with therapy.

It is important to note that HYQVIA must be administered by an infusion pump with specific capabilities.

HYQVIA is NOT administered by the Freedom 60 pump.

The pump can be either a syringe driver or peristaltic pump, and must have the capability to titrate up and down during the infusion. The pump must also have the capability to change the pressure. Please refer to the HYQVIA website for a list of acceptable pumps recommended by Baxter. You can also refer to the HYQVIA website for videos on HYQVIA administration.

When teaching a patient how to administer HYQVIA, explain what supplies are needed and the rationale for using them. Always review aseptic technique and the importance of hand washing prior to opening any supplies and beginning the administration process.

For more information on How HYQVIA Works, click on the video below -
