Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

Dos and Don’ts of Patient Education

One of the most anxiety-producing aspects of life is “fear of the unknown.” This is particularly true in healthcare. From relatively benign medical conditions to devastatingly critical or life-threatening illnesses, the statement “knowledge is power” should not be underestimated when developing patient treatment plans; it can be a powerful tool in establishing the levelheadedness needed for a patient to manage their illness. Patient education is often as simple as explaining a laboratory test or a minor dietary change. As nurses, we may impart knowledge in a casual or off-the-cuff manner when discussing medical issues that have become routine for us, yet not for the patient. Patient education processes are oftentimes not formalized, particularly in some private physician offices. When programs do exist, time constraints in an office setting can make it almost impossible to share crucial information from their educational programs with each and every patient. [More]

Standards of Practice

“I am of certain convinced that the greatest HEROES are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.” – Florence Nightingale.

These words resounded in my head when learning about the pioneer of nursing, the great Florence Nightingale. I’ve always taken pride in doing my best, no matter how small or how big my assigned duty was. In becoming a nurse that work ethic increased 10-fold, in my eyes at least. I was now responsible for the care of someone’s mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter! Their lives greatly depended on my care for a certain number of hours in a day and in many occasions the care provided indicated how the patient’s prognosis would be. [More]