Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

Psycho-social Considerations of Patients Receiving Home Infusion of Immune Globulin

By Jean McCaslin, RN, IgCN.

In every aspect of medical care, a patient-centric approach is invaluable. Each healthcare discipline must take into consideration each patient’s holistic need when undertaking a plan of care; psycho-social needs are particularly critical. Patients receiving immune globulin (IG) oftentimes are newly diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating disorder and experience adverse feelings. Care partners or family members may be equally affected by the diagnosis and prescribed treatment modalities. [More]

HYQVIA: Part 2

By Cindi Berry, RN BSN.

HYQVIA: Part 2 will discuss the administration steps and important aspects of HYQVIA therapy.

The administration and teaching of HYQVIA should be done by a well-trained RN. It is recommended that the treating RN has an extensive infusion background, and has been proficiently trained in IVIG and SCIG administration. [More]