Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

Psycho-social Considerations of Patients Receiving Home Infusion of Immune Globulin

By Jean McCaslin, RN, IgCN.

In every aspect of medical care, a patient-centric approach is invaluable. Each healthcare discipline must take into consideration each patient’s holistic need when undertaking a plan of care; psycho-social needs are particularly critical. Patients receiving immune globulin (IG) oftentimes are newly diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating disorder and experience adverse feelings. Care partners or family members may be equally affected by the diagnosis and prescribed treatment modalities. [More]

Who To Call and When: A Guide to Communication With The MD and Pharmacist Part 1

By Michelle Greer, RN, IgCN.

In the support of our patients in the homecare setting, it is imperative as nurses that we know when to notify the physician and pharmacist for patients receiving immune globulin therapy. IG therapy does have side effects, and it is important to recognize them and know what to do. Every patient will react differently to IG therapy. Some patients may experience no side effects at all, while others may have mild to moderate reactions. This goes for both IV and SC therapy. The management of IVIG and SCIG infusion side effects is crucial to the overall tolerability of IG therapy. [More]

IVIG Side Effects

Do you know what the “expected” and “unexpected” side effects of intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) therapy are? More importantly, do you know how to manage them? [More]