Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

How to Use the IG Side Effects Card

Prior to an infusion visit, we ask nurses to contact patients 12 -24 hours before and complete our Pre-Infusion Checklist (IVIG Pre-Infusion Checklist / SCIG Pre-Infusion Checklist). Nufactor developed the checklist to help the nurse and patient plan for a successful infusion. The list is a great tool and helps nurses guide their patients using a standardized check-off format. The list provides tips to give to the patient the day prior to, the day of, and the day after an infusion. [More]

Managing IVIG-Related Side Effects

Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) infusions are generally well tolerated. Most associated side effects are mild and managed with multiple approaches which may include pre-medication, clinical consultation providing education on what to expect with infusion, ongoing monitoring of infusions, and modifications to the individualized patient infusion protocol if side effects occur. [More]

Psycho-social Considerations of Patients Receiving Home Infusion of Immune Globulin

By Jean McCaslin, RN, IgCN.

In every aspect of medical care, a patient-centric approach is invaluable. Each healthcare discipline must take into consideration each patient’s holistic need when undertaking a plan of care; psycho-social needs are particularly critical. Patients receiving immune globulin (IG) oftentimes are newly diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating disorder and experience adverse feelings. Care partners or family members may be equally affected by the diagnosis and prescribed treatment modalities. [More]