Infusion Nursing Notes by Nufactor provides education, resources and support to promote successful patient therapy within the infusion nursing community.

COVID-19 Infection Prevention Guidance

COVID-19 Infection Prevention Guidance
By Nufactor - February 22, 2022

Nufactor® has updated its COVID-19 screening tool to follow CDC guidelines
(as of January 27, 2022).

Nufactor® recognizes the continued need for COVID-19 infection prevention guidance to help patients, household members and nurses during in-home treatments. Nufactor® wanted to remind you of and reinforce guidelines, important for patients, household members and nurses to follow to protect everyone. Please review the attached. Our recommendations and screening tool are based on CDC and Washington State Department of Health guidelines. If you do not have a COVID-19 screening tool, please feel free to use ours.

Please share this information with nurses within your organization. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Reminders to help prevent infection during nursing visits

  • The day before a visit, the nurse screens the patient for COVID-19.
  • The day before a visit, the nurse screens household members for COVID-19.
  • The day of the visit, the nurse self-screens for COVID-19.
  • The day of the visit, before entering the home, the nurse will ask if there have been changes since screening the day before.
  • When possible, only the patient and nurse should be in the area/room.
  • When possible during the visit, maintain a distance of 6 feet (e.g., after starting an infusion, monitoring vital signs, etc.) but always stay in visual contact with the patient.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, the nurse and patient should wear a mask while the nurse is in the home. If household members are present, they also should wear a mask. The nurse will have an N-95 mask. At a minimum, we will provide the patient with a surgical mask. If present, household members should wear CDC-recommended masks, which do NOT include bandanas, gaiters, or buffs.
  • For patients with known or possible COVID-19 infection, contact Nufactor® for guidance.